Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Resemblance Between Our, & Other Music Videos

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rhianna

Enrique Iglesias - Takin Back My Love

Both these videos have the same atomsphere and goings on as are initial idea. So we thought it would be a good idea to use these videos to help us try and film a couple arguing. Theres many attributes from both these videos in which we like and are inspired from. Therefore they are very useful into the planning and research into making are own music video.

Target Audience

We have decided to target are music video at 'Alternative' people in todays society. Alternative Tribes are predominantly made up of white working and middle class kids. It seems a huge proportion of teens in the UK have a hankering for something a bit different, and Alternative brands that have achieved massive traction include Converse and Vans.

All Tribes within the Alternative segment are passionate about music, and their friendship groups, tastes and activities are largely defined online. The best way to reach these kids is through niche magazines and social media.


This segment ‘definitely agreed’ that they “like to share music with my mates” more often than all other segments (Index = 117 vs. all 16 to 24s) They loved going to gigs more than most (47% definitely agreed compared with 29% of all 16 to 24s) Only 9% saw having ‘a high powered job’ as ‘very important’ to their future. This contrasted negatively with the total of 16% for all 16 to 24s.
These stats were taken from the UK TRIBES website.

Alternative people in our society are related to the following brands:

Gamers are a group of people who are not very sociable and find more time for computer games than interacting with other people, although they interact with people through game consoles they do not get a lot of social activities. If a Gamer was too have a job most of their money they earn would be spent on games etc.

Emo's is short for 'emotional', this pretty much sums up an Emo. The clothes that they wear are skinny and black but with electrifying streaks of colour. Most of them have dark or black hair which mostly covers at least one eye. They can be seen to have sensitive souls, the world does not understand them so they relate to music and poetry.

Scene Kids, It’s all about Facebook, social networking and self-shots. It’s also quite a lot about Emos, slightly about Chav's and very much about taking things quite seriously. It's a Tribe that’s genuinely confusing for anyone aged over 25.

Skaters see skating as a way of life, not a sport. Their skateboard will be with them mostly always. Skaters are closely related to Grungers & graffiti. They tend to hate police and security guards and are always hanging out on the streets, mainly in parks. They tend to wear baggy shorts, or skinny jeans with a tight t-shirt with maybe a open cardigan.

Metalheads are a tribe dedicated to music. You’ll mainly see them wearing black, though not exclusively. A black band t-shirt and blue pair of jeans would be the typical look of a Metalhead. They will attend as many concerts/gigs as they can.

Young Alts are after something different, but beyond that, they’re not exactly decided. They’ll read about or listen to a huge variety of bands and try Skater, Emo and even Urban fashions. They also love a lot of mainstream fashion and music. The Young Alts make for a largely safe and non-judgemental Tribe in which to experiment with all of these styles.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Location Shots

Camer Park
Bartellas Restaurant
Bartellas Restaurant
Meopham Train Station
Millies House

Filming - 2

The second day of filming again took place again at Millie's house, this time we needed the 2 main characters to film. On the whole the day was productive, although we did not get a huge set of clips, we managed to film a lot of little parts of the video, which in the end will be useful. We managed to film most of the argument, which is a huge part of the music video. On the next day of filming we aim to get most of the video filmed, so that we can edit and draft it.