Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Coldplay 'Christmas Lights'

Coldplay - 'Christmas Lights'

Coldplay are one of the most popular bands in the world, There music is largely inspiring and emotional in many ways. They've had a huge amount of success after forming in 1998, there biggest hits being, 'Yellow', 'Fix You' & 'Viva La Vida'. There new song 'Christmas Lights' has just been released before the holiday season. Some may argue that there music is very much the same, however i disagree. This song is written obviously for Christmas and I feel as if it has the Christmas feel injected into it. The video contains the band singing live on a stage, which has the words 'Elvis is still alive' written above it. There's a lot of fireworks and colour, seeing as it's a Christmas song, this seems very appropriate.

The video begins with one of the band members putting the record onto the record player. As the record starts to spin the music begins. This takes up all of 11 seconds. The first noise we here (apart from the noise of the record player) is a piano. A piano is most probably the most common instrument related to Coldplay's songs. Most of their songs have Chris Martin playing the piano, and from my experience from seeing them Live, the piano is very much in use. The camera slowly moves from the record player, to a piano, which is playing by itself. The piano looks itself very festive, and feels appropriate for the song itself. At this time we are confused, on why the piano is playing by itself. The camera then again slowly moves so that its looking directly downwards, almost like a birds eye view. We then see the drummer, lying down. The camera gradually pans towards the left where we see the rest of the band lying down. As the camera reaches Chris (Lead singer) the piano's tone drops and he begins to sing.
After showing him singing for a good 5-6 seconds the camera begins to move again. This time very cleverly because he manages to stand up and play the piano without moving. Its the influence of the camera movement that pulls this off.

Once Chris has sung the chorus the curtains behind him open, and reveals the band including himself playing on a small stage. The lighting is very much focused on Chris seeing as he's singing. All of the band are wearing waistcoats, and 2 of them wearing ties. There outfits look very unique and relate to the location. (The location, ((the stage)) also looks unique and wooden. The clothing and stage etc contrast one another. The camera zooms in and out unnoticeably throughout the entire video form here on in.